120 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Trump

  1. He’s a Racist
  2. He’s a Sexual predator
  3. Con man
  4. Promotes hate
  5. Divisive
  6. Nationalistic
  7. Populist
  8. Xenophobic
  9. Cruel Immigration laws
  10. Locks up children
  11. Shut down government for border wall
  12. Muslim ban
  13. Accelerated increase of national debt
  14. Raised tariffs
  15. Investigated for tax fraud
  16. Failed businessman
  17. Alienated allies
  18. Instigated trade wars
  19. His Administration lacks Domestic policy
  20. His Administration lacks foreign policy
  21. Didn’t condemn MBS for heinous murder of Jamal Khashoggi
  22. Doesn’t support POW’s
  23. Ignored reports of Russian troop bounty on troops
  24. Praises dictators
  25. Putin lover
  26. Asked Russian help
  27. Kim Jung Un lover
  28. Unprepared for crises
  29. Climate change denier
  30. Didn’t extend Covid-19 benefits
  31. Redirected/Reduced Covid-19 relief funds
  32. His policies contributed to Covid-19 deaths
  33. Refuses to wear masks
  34. Promotes maskless rallies
  35. Makes masks a divisive, political issue
  36. Recommended ineffective Hydroxychloroquine therapy
  37. Suggested iyo ngest/inject disinfectant
  38. Wants schools to reopen disregarding Covid-19 danger
  39. Discourages visas for international students
  40. His policies caused the world to view America as failed society
  41. Defunded WHO
  42. Did not promote any healthcare laws
  43. Tried to repeal ACA through SCOTUS
  44. Tore down institutions our forefathers built
  45. Tore down long standing and effective precedents and traditions
  46. Destroyed the credibility of our government
  47. Belittles accusations about police brutality
  48. Teargassed peaceful protesters
  49. Tweets about shooting protesters
  50. Lack of morals
  51. Egomaniac
  52. Little regard for rule of law
  53. Draft dodger
  54. Destroyed the dignity of the Whitehouse
  55. Cowardly
  56. Worships money
  57. Too many childish tweets
  58. Pathologically narcissistic
  59. Exhibits personality disorder
  60. Its all about winning, but just for him
  61. Leads by Bullying
  62. Filled administration with yes men
  63. Strongly Authoritarian
  64. Unemployment at record highs
  65. Impeached
  66. Abuses power
  67. Pardons criminal sycophants
  68. Destroying the Republican Party
  69. Constitutionally illiterate
  70. No prior experience
  71. Incompetent
  72. Selfish
  73. Sociopathic
  74. Disrespectful
  75. Mocks the disabled
  76. Not accountable, never takes blame
  77. People now embarrassed to be American
  78. Multitudinous Lies
  79. Pathological liar
  80. Gaslights
  81. Calls the press the enemy of the people
  82. Undermines free press
  83. Colleague of Jeffery Epstein
  84. Wished child trafficker, Gislaine Maxwell, the best
  85. Homophobic
  86. Uses Bible as political prop
  87. Disrespects religion
  88. US citizens banned from other countries
  89. Almost started war with Iran and Korea
  90. Trump U sued for fraud
  91. Trump charities misused funds
  92. Some of family are grifters
  93. Misogynist
  94. Mentally unfit for office
  95. Lacks empathy
  96. Fascist ideas and policies
  97. Not truly conservative
  98. Not an effective leader
  99. Opposes democratic principles
  100. Disputes election results 3 months before it happens
  101. Wastes time by obsessively tweeting, playing golf and watching TV
  102. Called Nazis very fine people
  103. Cares about working class citizens only for their votes
  104. Impulsive
  105. Nepotistic
  106. Thinks he’s king and his family royalty
  107. Vindictive
  108. Callous
  109. Childish
  110. Misuses judicial system
  111. Appoints yes men
  112. Won’t listen to advisors
  113. Detests reading
  114. Betrays conservatism
  115. People of his base beginning to tire of defending him
  116. Damaged the economy
  117. He enabled the GOP to sell out to Trumpism
  118. Trump has formed a personality cult of brainwashed disciples
  119. Downplays Covid-19 pandemic
  120. Supports white supremacy

Check out: Vyoutube.com/watch

Maintain Net Neutrality

Once the FCC dismantles net neutrality I am concerned that internet service providers could inappropriately restrict access to certain content. They could restrict access based on their ideologies or the ideologies of entities willing to pay for privileged access. For example, a provider could retard downloading a Fox News or CNN website or charge more to access them. A partisan US government agency hostile to or dismissive of average American needs could pressure providers to promote or repress specific ideological principles.

However, I am more concerned about the potential of foreign adversaries having greater control over content to which Americans are exposed. For instance, a Russian state actor could work under the cloak of a seemingly legitimate client. They could pay for priority search engine exposure to promote divisive points of view solely to undermine American democracy. This is quite possible, remember, Facebook got paid in rubles for ads to do just that.

Should a foreign actor gain control of an internet provider either through a secretive shell corporation or by surreptitiously convincing a provider to promote certain divisive points of view, American democracy would gravely suffer.

By not honoring the demands of their constituents to preserve Net Neutrality the GOP undermines our fragile democracy just to keep their wealthy donors happy.

Why Russia Hates Net Neutrality

My last  post discussed Russian political bots. Another very effective way to spread Russian propaganda which includes fake, targeted news and information would be to eliminate net neutrality. Any effort to close the free and open Internet by any politician would play into the hands of Russia or any other American adversary.

In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission established rules to protect and promote net neutrality. That is, it prohibited providers from degrading or blocking access to targeted sites or allowing payment for priority access to or for special interests. If any political entity succeeded in eliminating net neutrality Russian oligarchs would be ecstatic.

Imagine Russia paying providers to speed access to their political websites promoting candidates they prefer thus restricting access to the opposition. Imagine Russia paying search engines to optimize their preferred content. Imagine Russia paying to prioritize favorable but untrue content thus in part displacing unfavorable but truthful information and news. Now envision greedy American politicians being seduced into repealing free and open Internet rules.

Beware of hidden agendas.

Defeat Russian Bots

The Russians among other adversaries have invaded our social media with internet “bots”. The Russian political bots focus on disrupting elections and destroying confidence in our democratic system. A bot in this instance is software on the Internet that recognizes key words on your social media. It then replies with information either fake or real to achieve a specific objective. Real Clear Defense offers a discussion on Russian bots.

Russian bots identify a political entry and then respond with an adapted version of political news. For example before the election this news generally discredited Hillary Clinton. After the election this news tends to highlight Trump’s ineptitude. In the first case the objective was to hurt Clinton and get Trump elected. In the second case the goal is to seed distrust and lack of confidence in the administration’s ability to govern. Either way a path to an autocratic regime, preferably sympathetic to Russian oligarchs, is the goal.

Unfortunately, we may inadvertently disseminate Russian propaganda by re-entering both pro and anti-Trump articles and memes into social media. I strongly suggest that we use discretion when forwarding political information. This news and its source, either real or fake, are designed to incite uncertainty and distrust in our politicians and our democratic process.

Don’t carelessly forward information you haven’t vetted through a fact-checker. I suggest vetting sources with Media Bias/Fact Check. Note that other American adversaries; North Korea, China, Iran, etc. also deal in this subterfuge. Even American sources deceitfully use bots for political gain.

Where Do Your loyalties Lie

It appeared at the Comey/Rogers hearing today that the Republicans were more interested in finding out who leaked information about Michael Flynn (among others) rather than if and with whom Russia attempted to subvert our election process.

Imagine just one scenario if no one leaked the information. Flynn could still be a paid staff member of the Trump administration attending confidential intelligence briefings. He would be receiving our deepest national secrets while unregistered as a foreign agent and linked to Vladimir Putin. Had this person not revealed Flynn’s transgressions, a back channel to Putin and his minions from the White House might have materialized. This would be the instrument to further sow distrust and erode confidence in our democratic processes.

Now, I am not condoning the leaking of information that would compromise honest people or legitimate operations, but there is a difference between leaking and whistle-blowing.

For all you people who blindly support these hard-line Republicans, take a long, hard look at where your loyalties lie.